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Living Beyond War by Winslow Myers Group Discussion Guides
Everyday Peacebuilders three-part discussion guide created by Elaine Hallmark
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Five new study guides for the BW book
2005 Beyond War Study Series:
Study Guide Facilitators Guide 10-04
Study Guide Introduction Fall 05
Audio version of 2005 Study Series
Dear Listeners,
In 2008-2009, Beyond War volunteers recorded many of the articles in the Guide to the 8-week Beyond War Study Series. We present these recordings to you here in MP3 format. We ask that you let us know if you find a segment that needs to be re-recorded.
Anne Millhollen, Project Facilitator
Editor: Tim Goss
Readers: Annetta Forrer, Carolyn Goss, Tim Goss, Gary Griffin, Eileen Hanna, Martin Jones, Sally Marie, Anne Millhollen, Winslow Myers, and Lesley Sabini
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Session 1
Introduction to Study Series (2:42, 2.5 MB)
Discussion Questions (2:28, 2.3 MB)
The Hopi Letter (3:19, 3.0 MB)
Quotes from Einstein and Nobel Laureates (0:51, 0.8 MB)
Participating as a Change Agent (3:46, 3.5 MB)
Beyond War “White Paper” A New Way of Thinking (18:33, 17.0 MB)
Essay Exploring Personal Implications (7:20, 6.7 MB)
Beyond War’s History (3:28, 3.2 MB)
Margaret Meade Quote (0:19, 0.3 MB)
Schopenhauer Quote (0:14, 0.2 MB)
The Optimism of Uncertainty (21:32, 19.7 MB)
The Process of Social Change and Idea Adoption (7:14, 6.6 MB)
Examples of the Process of Change: Slavery, Women’s Suffrage, Civil Rights (18:59, 17.3 MB)
Session 2
The Art of Listening by Brenda Ueland (0:27, 0.4 MB)
Effective Conversations Change the World (4:08, 3.8 MB)
Lincoln Quote (0:36, 0.5 MB)
Relationship & Content: Two Essential Components of Communication (0:33, 0.5 MB)
Conflict Resolution Basics (1:59, 1.8 MB)
Listening, Speaking, and Conflict Resolution Skills (2:45, 2.5 MB)
Interior State (1:20, 1.2 MB)
The 95% Rule (2:17, 2.1 MB)
Active Listening Techniques (3:11, 2.9 MB)
Behaviors That Support Dialogue and The Differences Between Debate and Dialogue (3:48, 3.5 MB)
Dialogue / Trialogue (2:07, 2.0 MB)
Modes of Communication (0:56, 0.8 MB)
Questions for Constructive Dialogue (3:26, 3.1 MB)
Framing and Reframing Essay / Framing and Reframing from US in the World (10:41, 9.8 MB)
Koranic Duels Ease Terror (9:30, 8.7 MB)
Session 3
Definitions (1:19, 1.2 MB)
Quotes (1:49, 1.7 MB)
Thinking About the “War on Terrorism” and Acknowledging That “War is Obsolete” (10:13, 9.4 MB)
War Will Not End Terrorism (6:50, 6.3 MB)
Destiny and War (10:42, 9.8 MB)
Hair-Trigger Missiles Risk Catastrophic Terrorism (7:17, 6.7 MB)
In Light of All the Costs of War… (1:17, 1.2 MB)
Stories of Landmine Victims (2:59, 2.7 MB)
Two Stories from Cambodia (2:28, 2.3 MB)
US Soldiers Bulldoze Farmers’ Crops (4:49, 4.4 MB)
Session 4
Quote and Definition (1:16, 1.2 MB)
A New Mode of Thinking (4:08, 3.8 MB)
The Fundamental Unity (2:14, 2.0 MB)
Nobel Laureates Look Ahead (2:45, 2.5 MB)
The Golden Rule (1:37, 1.5 MB)
We Are One (13:24, 12.2 MB)
Truth (2:36, 2.4 MB)
My Vision of a Compassionate Future (11:27, 10.4 MB)
Expanding Identification (2:57, 2.7 MB)
Guiding Principles and Core Practices (0:56, 0.8 MB)
Session 5
Quotes (2:33, 2.3 MB)
Essay: The Means Are the Ends in the Making (3:34, 3.3 MB)
Hope Within the Fire (8:01, 7.4 MB)
Why Dialogue?: Gaia’s Story (8:53, 8.1 MB)
Nonviolent Resistance: Pashtun Pacifists (7:26, 6.8 MB)
Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam (2:18, 2.1 MB)
Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam: Case Study (6:23, 5.8 MB)
Desmond Tutu and South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (7:49, 7.2 MB)
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (19:09, 17.5 MB)
A Diplomat Speaks Out (8:11, 7.5 MB)
Diplomatic Innovation Prevents War (5:18, 4.9 MB)
It Takes a School, Not Missiles (6:06, 5.6 MB)
Heifer International (4:24, 4.0 MB)
Overview: Terror, Love, and the State of the World (9:09, 8.4 MB)
Afghanistan: 8,000 Children Under Arms Look for a Future (8:36, 7.9 MB)
Muslim Youth (8:50, 8.1 MB)
Session 6
Quotes & Passages from the United States Constitution (3:17, 3.0 MB)
Essay: Who Are We to One Another at This Time in History? (4:25, 4.0 MB)
Examples of International Law: 18 Possible Reasons Why (8:32, 7.8 MB)
Commentary: Salute to an American Hero (11:09, 10.2 MB)
International Criminal Tribunals (7:16, 6.7 MB)
Commentary: Saving Humanity from Hell (14:14, 13.0 MB)
A World in Larger Freedom (8:40, 7.9 MB)
Public Opinion Versus Politicians’ Attitudes (8:53, 8.1 MB)
The United Nations Can Help… Because It Already Has (10:00, 9.2 MB)
Selected Articles of the United Nations Charter (12:38, 11.5 MB)
Session 7
Quotes (1:36, 1.5 MB)
Essay: Synthesis of the Ideas in This Study Series (7:19, 6.7 MB)
Through My Enemy’s Eyes (16:06, 14.7 MB)
The Challenge of Terror (16:25, 15.0 MB)
Strategies Congruent with the Guiding Principles & Core Practices (1:20, 1.2 MB)
Excerpts from “Getting to Peace” (9:37, 8.8 MB)
Session 8
Quotes (5:37, 5.1 MB)
Hope in the Dark & The Basis for Hope (2:05, 1.9 MB)
Essay: Making Stone Soup (6:35, 6.0 MB)
Evolutionary Politics (13:29, 12.3 MB)
The Department of Peace (3:36, 3.3 MB)
Towards Sanity in a Time of Chaos (13:37, 12.4 MB)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Speaks on War (8:32, 7.8 MB)
The Process of Decision (5:01, 4.6 MB)
Effective Advocacy (6:03, 5.5 MB)
The Circle of Involvement (2:58, 2.7 MB)
Participation in Beyond War (3:01, 2.8 MB)
Invitation to Participate in Beyond War—A Final Word from Gayle Landt (2:46, 2.5 MB)