Your tax-deductible donations support the important work of educating people to become everyday peacebuilders, to eliminate nuclear weapons, and to build the infrastructure of the new culture of peace.
To mail in your donation, please mail to:
Beyond War Northwest 1490 W. 26th Ave.Eugene, OR 97405
Please consider monthly donations.
Your donation brings us one step closer to a world beyond war, and we really appreciate it. For instance, your financial support will enable us to purchase the following outreach materials:
–20 packets of Michael Nagler’s book, The Nonviolence Handbook, with study questions to develop basic nonviolence skills – $300
–20 Seeing Systems curricula to disseminate to professors and classrooms – $540
–5 Roadmap posters to display in public educational spheres – $145
Beyond War Northwest is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Oregon, USA. Our Federal EIN is: 20-0912219.